17th July: New Moon In Cancer....
With aspects to Uranus and Pluto this one's punchy! Share with friends!
Re-set and refresh – and enjoy a new beginning!
The Moon meets the Sun in water sign Cancer for the New Moon moment; this lunation is gently trine and aligned to Neptune in Pisces, a sign of empathy and compassion.
It’s also stepping in sync with Uranus, which is innovative and allows space for progress. Rouse sentimentality, and care, aware that Pluto looms large.
2.31 pm EDT / New York
7.31 pm BST / London
2.31 am 18th July AWST / Hong Kong.
Now in the domestic realms of your horoscope, Sun and Moon hone in on home, property, your roots and ancestry. You can permit yourself a fresh start, focused on the way you feel settled, safe and secure.
Make note of the efforts you intend to make around household matters, and your family or lineage – the way you maintain tradition or uphold a line, and keep your crew together.
Money and your own revenue streams could be touched upon, with a changed outlook on your role and financial position. Lean into all that’s unconventional or alternative about your role, and what’s progressive.
Be intentional around
emotional semblance
your ideal home life
your needs or ways you feel comfortable
the past, memories that heal
coming home to roost or knowing you can safely drop anchor with awareness on your inner world…
ways you might move ahead in your surroundings and space, with a handle on feeding and nurturing self and others.
Now in the thoughtful, conversational realms of your horoscope, Sun and Moon hone in on communication skills, language, rapport, sibling ties, neighbours and local environments.
Make note of the efforts you intend to make in relating, communicating and learning, picking up important skills, speaking, orating, navigating, and expressing yourself in a way that’s appropriate.
With Uranus in your sign, be personally and radically involved – physically or thanks to your own purpose.
Be intentional around
writing projects
a genuine connection
your inner circle
the news or apps
the way you feel connected to others
the way you get from A-to-B, messaging, writing, reporting, using channels that put you in touch with others, comfortable and at ease.
who you want to see by your side, in your local area or on your commute –who you’d have as your coffee date or close team, and what you’d discuss or care about together?
Now in the financial realms of your horoscope, Sun and Moon allow you to hone in on your assets, belongings, property, your income and earnings.
You can permit yourself a fresh start focused on the way you build, develop and sustain yourself. Make note of the efforts you intend to make around spending, saving, your salary and how you contribute or make a living.
Shine a light on material comforts and what’s assuring that’s in hand…
Be intentional around
your goals in a material sense
feeling valued, rewarded and compensated
what you can do to feel really good about your own role, input, earnings and contribution
ways to move ahead with your own aspirations and your possessions, attributes, assets and material world
your belongings and all you do in your work to feel validated
how to feel comfortable and at ease at work, recognising what’s already been accomplished.
Today’s New Moon is personal, Cancer, as Sun and Moon hone in on YOU, and potentially issues of selfhood, independence and autonomy. Find you can address your personality, health and physical expression solo – your look, persona and character as a sole entity!
Permit yourself a fresh start that centres around the way you present yourself but also solo endeavours. Note the way you maintain your presence and keep a sense of independence, particularly among friends and your network.
Uranus in your eleventh house leads you to friends in the community who are potentially changemakers or doing things differently. Work in a way that’s progressive or find you can benefit from your circle of peers, as you focus on you!
Be intentional around
yourself, your body, spirit and soul
your outlook and personal philosophy
ways you hold your own, feeling present and able.
Being comfortable and at ease, in full acceptance of you, just as you are.
The Sun and Moon hone in on your private life, now transiting the hidden, secret realms of your horoscope. You can grant yourself a fresh start focused on the ways you feel at ease in a selfless position of service, genuinely charitable.
There may be a process of gestation that’s not entirely comfortable, a sense of anticipation, preparation, and the unknown (and unknowable). Perhaps you’re helping others with their emotional struggles or waiting for others to make a move.
Stand on the sidelines, letting go of any illusion of control, with a way to face the inevitabilities. Shine a light on the more sensitive subjects that are uncertain, unpredictable and trying…
Focus on a process of healing behind the scenes, taking time away from others to dream and unwind, cultivating peace and comfort. Honour your needs, nourished in body, mind and spirit. Try to align with your new public image, coming across as the person you want to be seen as.
Remember, to accept defeat needn’t be ‘defeatist’, instead you could improve your title, career path or reputation by yielding control.
Be intentional around
unconscious behaviours
all that’s usually ‘under wraps’
taking your foot off the gas
facing your fears and ways you self-sabotage
overcoming anxieties or paranoia, coming to terms with those feelings.
a way to put to rest whatever’s coming up for you, moving beyond difficult pockets of isolation, or scandals, mysteries and misunderstandings.
Now in the community-oriented realms of your horoscope, Sun and Moon hone in on networks, and friendly allies or acquaintances. Note the ways you band together with a common cause or endeavour in mind. Perhaps you’re on a committee or board, or called upon to be a team member.
Grant yourself a fresh start focused on teamwork and collaboration!
Make note of the efforts you intend to make around [humanitarian] causes, goals in a crew, and the common interests that bring you together with others. Take stock of your industry, organization or philanthropic aims.
Be intentional around
your goals for team spirit
who you wish to get on-board
your tribe of cheerleaders, your ideal squad
your circle of friends and social scene
improvements that can be made with care, kindness, compassion and consideration for others.
to consider issues relating to your sector of society, circumstances that put you in touch with others who are aligned with you within your sphere, city or the masses. What do you have to contribute to the greater good, your peers and people?
Now transiting the outer realms of your chart, representing your profession and notoriety, Sun and Moon hone in on your aims, advancement and ambitions. Be enamoured with fame, notoriety, validation, praise and your public image!
Find you’re aware of your path in the public eye, your reputation, career or calling, and grant yourself a fresh start focused on the ways you feel accomplished, recognised, praised and validated in the world at large.
Make note of the efforts you intend to make showing up as an authority or leader, willing to put yourself out there.
Shine a light on your capacity to direct and influence, showing up in your vocation or representing a company, family or brand!
Be intentional around
your goals, looking ahead
your intentions in the way you wish to be seen, respected and known
what you might accomplish in your career or at large
to be confident with your aspirations, seeding ideas around your future and outer world. Perhaps there’s nothing better to you than being a mother or business owner, perhaps the greatest achievement would be assuring others you’re carrying on the family business, or able to show compassion and empathy in your company or profession. Move forwards feeling comfortable and at ease with the road ahead…
Now in the thoughtful, broadminded realms of your horoscope, Sun and Moon hone in on education, higher thought, publishing, expansion and travel.
Look further afield, permitting yourself a fresh start where culture, knowledge and wisdom is concerned. Focus on feeling connected to your truth, your personal philosophy and personal development! Sense where you might share (or publish) what you know to be true!
Make note of efforts you might make towards your own continual learning – projects, plans or avenues to keep you seeking out a profound experience that brings you closer to the viewpoint that fits!
Shine a light on foreign subjects and people from elsewhere! Move ahead with a vision quest or spiritual journey, leaning into romanticism and your own pleasure principle, too! A radical approach to one-to-one relationships (and new key people that have changed your approach to marriage unions) can now be considered, too!
Sign up to a course or conversation a friend has introduced, pursue adventure – or go further with projects you’re passionate about!
Be intentional around
ways you go the distance
life abroad
exploring faith or specialist interests.
a new way of taking into account the bigger picture – the world or a global perspective. Feel comfortable and at ease subscribing to interests outside what’s been familiar thus far…
Now in the intimate realms of your horoscope, Sun and Moon hone in on assets or material gains that are mutually beneficial. Consider where you make gains (or pay out) through others, including investments, inheritance, taxes, bills, debts, or legacies that involve you and them.
Your private affairs and commitments are touched upon, including marriage contracts, binding ties (like children), a mortgage or payment plan.
Grant yourself a fresh start focused on the way you feel secure in partnerships or entanglements, committed with intimacy (trust), financial ties, loyalty, or another form of alliance.
How you might sustain yourself through a relationship, or make more of what you have, given you now have new ways of working? Who relies on you and for what? Where are you reliant on others?
Be intentional around
the efforts you intend to make pledging yourself
where improvements can be made and what there is to gain coming together as a joint entity
how you can give energy, money, resources, and time to another
your goals for intimacy, and how might you share what you have to give.
ways of consolidating what you have, feeling comfortable and at ease with notions of togetherness.
Now in the relational realms of your horoscope, Sun and Moon hone in on partners – platonic, romantic, and really any relationships conducted one-on-one.
You can grant yourself a fresh start focused on the way you consider your unions, or how you might welcome a ‘plus one’ by your side.
Make note of the efforts you intend to make with those you’re involved with (from a spouse to a client or family member), the way you conduct yourself and appreciate their presence or part. If you’ve a tendency to go it alone, consider opening up to other people, finding the sense in having others around.
Shine a light on togetherness, allowing passion, pregnancy, children and your love life, your sexuality or talents to feed into one-to-ones. You may have had a change of heart in your own happiness, elevating the pleasure principle or disrupting what makes you happy. Now move ahead with individuals that mean something to you.
Be intentional around
your relationship goals
collaborative efforts, plans and negotiations
how might you improve your focus on a partner, and put their needs first.
dates, ways to negotiate and improve on your unions.
Now in the efficient realms of your horoscope, Sun and Moon hone in on your job, wellness, and regular needs. Look to ‘the little things’ in life that keep you from falling sick, and running at your best. Focus on healthy lifestyle choices and maintenance – your chores and regular habitual regimes. Where do you need support?
You can permit yourself a fresh start around health and wellbeing – the practices that help you feel hydrated and good in your body. Show yourself how you can be fit for service and usefully employed.
Make note of efforts you intend to make around work, the way you maintain your position. Shine a light on the more productive ways you handle life…
Uranus in your zone of home life and family can lead you to changes made or being initiated around how you settle or root yourself in a property (or place, including domestically or location-wise).
Be intentional around
your goals for healthy living
how might you improve your day-to-day life,
organizing and streamlining tasks, admin, and support systems
feeling comfortable and at ease with your duties.
your work and employment, what you do and ways you help out, keeping yourself running to make a living
where improvements can be made, staying on top of habits and keeping pure in body, head and heart.
Now in the playful realms of your horoscope, Sun and Moon hone in on creativity, passion, dating, children and love-making. ‘The lights’ of our skies now appear in the sector that brings out the fun side in you, the capacity for self-expression, creation and conception.
You can permit yourself a fresh start focused on the way you find joy and a sense of pleasure, how you procreate, love, and satisfy a connection to your personal interests.
Move ahead with ways you might satisfy your desires, indulge and notice what makes your heart race. Affirm your greatest loves and talents, including opportunities for a good time (a vacation, party, wedding, craft project, music concert, dancing or performing!)
Your personal gratification could be influenced by social media, communication skills, siblings, or the way you think and approach others. Uranus in Taurus has likely led you to make close ties or connections that are dynamic, so look to kindred spirits that now encourage inspiration!
Be intentional around
hobbies, sports, the arts
love, romance and sexuality
your kids or pregnancy
projects that are yours to put your heart into
channels or routes for creative self-expression
ways you derive happiness from your own cup – and raise a smile!
the ways life might get even better. Ask yourself what could make your life and soul sing an even happier tune?