2nd / 3rd October: Libra New Moon... Solar Eclipse!
Expect heightened emotions, take a breath...
Hello my dears!
Here’s an update from me on this Libra New Moon – the Annular Solar Eclipse at 10º03’ Libra!
Listen to the audio above and read a short horoscope here: https://starsignstyle.com/new-moon-in-libra-horoscope/. The click-throughs to my website are always appreciated, as traffic has tanked with the Google update :)
Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at
11:49 am PT Los Angeles (2nd)
2:49 pm EDT New York (2nd)
7:49 pm BST London (2nd)
3rd 2:49 am Hong Kong (3rd)
3.49 am Tokyo (3rd).
Here’s the chart…
See the kite? That’s a grand water trine made up of Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces, with the additional point of Ceres in Capricorn.
Then we have a trine between Pluto (in Capricorn) and Uranus (in Taurus), with Neptune in Pisces at the apex, made up of two textiles. Ceres is square to the New Moon, and Mars in Cancer, too.
The New Moon itself if conjunct Mercury in Libra, and Black Moon Lilith. This is really the key. BML represents a quality that lacks submissiveness. If we consider this pile-up in Libra: Sun, Moon, Lilith, Mercury and Juno, ALL on the South Node, and what’s lacking now, we can put together quite a picture. Namely, Libra qualities are lacking, PEACE & Harmony. But also, we’re perhaps unable to rise up, we’re unable to access the quality of ‘getting on top’, claiming a way to be sexually liberated, or liberated in other ways that are human and pleasurable. Couple this with Venus in Scorpio – its detriment sign – and it’s quite ominous. It makes me think of abortion rights, and inability to claim our bodies. It’s apparently not easy for Libra Kamala Harris to restore abortion rights. There have been budget cuts and the closure of abortion centres in France.
Listen to the audio and please get in touch with your thoughts!
I’m so grateful that personal consultations have absolutely taken off in September. I’ve not done so many in quite some time, and am hoping to keep the momentum. Here’s more about the readings https://starsignstyle.com/readings/ or to see my calendar look here:
I charge $130 USD per session, which is a great deal less than many astrologers with the same or less experience than I. However, I’m comfortable with my pricing, and look forward to connecting with more of you.
Big Love this eclipse,
Kimberly xoxox
Here’s the corresponding Full Moon - Jupiter at the same degree that Mars is now…