June 3rd/4th: Full Moon In Sagittarius
Happy Full Moon loves!
We’re now welcoming a Sagittarius Full Moon at 13º18’ of this fire sign.
Times for the Sagittarius Full Moon
Sunday 4th June
Hong Kong 11.42 am
London 4.42 am
Saturday 3rd
New York 11.42 pm
Los Angeles 8.42 pm
The ruler of the Sagittarius Moon is Jupiter in Taurus, the ruler of the Gemini Sun is Mercury in Taurus, therefore Slow Down! Take it easy!
This time of the month is always buzzing with excitement and Uranus is adding extra sparks! Sense where hope, optimism, faith and promise is arriving, where prosperity is in abundance…
This is part of a much broader cycle, stemming back to the New Moon on December 4th 2021. Think back to intentions set at this time!
The knowledge and communication axis in your horoscope is now spotlighted!
Gemini Season encourages you to connect and be plugged into your local area, engaging with news and people around you. It’s great for ties to those in your environment and usual surroundings.
But note, the Full Moon urges you to reach further afield, to observe broader brushstrokes and the people who teach or guide you toward another perspective.
The Sagittarius Moon lights up adventures, foreign perspectives and beliefs, and the journey or vision quest that’s opened you up to another point of view and way of thinking –– higher education and higher thought.
Look to opportunities to explore another outlook, stance or take on life.
Be in touch with fellow pilgrims on the path you walk, and seek out sage advice or opinions from revered worldly folk you appreciate.
It makes for an incredible time to pause and acknowledge growth – ways you’ve launched yourself towards a cultural exchange, education, spiritual paths, a course that breeds knowledge, roads well-travelled: exploring another philosophy, faith or political lens.
Don’t be surprised if your outlook is elevated and geared toward profit – like working on a thesis or studying, fact-finding, with money the end-game! Grasp all the moving parts with so much to publish, share and reveal!
The financial axis in your horoscope is in the spotlight, Taurus.
Gemini Season encourages you to evaluate and think about money, your income and position, your role and salary, significant spending, saving, or assets accumulated.
Meanwhile, today’s Sagittarius Moon illuminates what you gain from working with others, investing time or resources for mutual gain – sharing secrets and your private life, your future or legacy, unifying, bonding, trusting and merging.
With the Full Moon in your eighth house spotlight shifts around your personal obligations, commitments and trusted agreements – celebrate successful unions, acknowledge ways you’ve overcome tough negotiations and your fears.
There’s potential to illuminate special partnerships and how you’ve pledged yourself, or realized where your loyalties lie. What benefits both you and another party? Where can you resolutely deepen your affections?
Power dynamics and close personal relationships (or intimate dealings) are now emphasized.
Get to grips with money and your own earnings and contribution, while facing up to the more private issues.
Hard-to-handle subjects (death, sex, taxes, binding agreements, investments or contractual feats of interest) may land firmly on your broad, capable shoulders…
The axis of ‘self’ and ‘other’, ‘me’ and ‘we’ is in the spotlight.
Gemini Season encourages you to garner attention and take centre stage, to be a little independent or to emphasise your solo self.
Meanwhile, today’s Sagittarius Moon lights up partnerships, togetherness, and what you might accomplish when you work with another in ways that are fair and balanced. Note those you encounter as your ‘other half’ in all kinds of settings and circumstance.
Pay attention to another person, a key individual in your midst who stands out – from a best friend, spouse or partner in crime, to a family member, business ally or even your arch rival.
Sense feelings roused; does a marriage require you to take space to really heal? Don’t be surprised if partnerships and collaborations are elevated yet you’re inclined toward solitude.
The health and healing axis in your horoscope is spotlighted, Cancer.
Gemini Season encourages you to draw back into solitude, be selfless, and escape your usual workload , tackling something that hasn’t quite mended, or been reconciled... Tend to the unknowable facets of life.
Meanwhile, today’s Sagittarius Moon lights up lifestyle choices, all you do to maintain yourself, with awareness of your own equilibrium, happiness, and wellbeing – staying healthy and fit for service or duty!! You’re urged to relate to employment (and employers or employees).
Turn to support systems and people who serve you in your day-to-day – those who help you (your cleaner, assistant, even your pets, gym buddy, doctor, dentist or HR person!)
Note ways to be grateful for those that keep you on a path to health in mind, body and spirit… Spotlight routine matters, efforts and accomplishments in day-to-day life: rituals for health, work, wellbeing and chores, making efficiencies – success in a diet, fitness goal, or in your chores, tasks, or employment! All this relates back to your community, friends and the people in the wider world or your network who are now key.
The axis of personal versus community interests are in the spotlight, Leo.
Gemini Season encourages you to align with friends and the group consensus, coming together with community, to champion or be involved as part of a team or network. As your celestial guide (the Sun) transits your eleventh house there’s a social tone, with plenty of ways to engage or be involved in your circle or be among peers, striving to do something for the greater good.
Meanwhile, today’s Sagittarius Moon lights up solo passions, creativity, your own talents, hobbies – and children!
Note the things you cherish and personally adore, heartfelt pleasures, your passions and greatest loves!
This is a romantic house of fertility, pregnancy and special projects, so bring awareness to the way you find personal gratification.
Elevate all you’ve created or do to have fun, connect with your kids, a lover or rouse your sexy side! Step away from the crowd to enjoy something that’s special to you, honing in on your talents, creative projects, or developments around life’s delights (crafting, hobbies, sports, dating, or playtime!)
This can lead you to understand your path, and the way you really want to come across!
The axis concerning your inner and outer direction is in the spotlight, Virgo.
Gemini Season encourages you to appear, visible and prominent in the world, following the call towards your career, path, goals and aspirations. There’s a tone of success, recognition and focus on public image!
Meanwhile, today’s Sagittarius Moon illuminates home life, parents, your nest, roots or the family folds… Spotlight where you’re from, parents, how you learnt to nurture, feed and find comfort (and your place in the world, literally or figuratively), able to address you feelings and draw inwards. Settle or celebrate and acknowledge domestic or household matters – it could be an emotional day, with reason to devote yourself to life underfoot, to honour the past.
Your sense of security and foundations are emphasised, so you might examine the notion of family, home, and your ideas around stability and place – where you want to live or how you want to nourish yourself and others. This can be further informed by the journey you’ve been on or the educational road walked. Another perspective may have proven ultimately enlightening!
The communication and education axis in your horoscope is spotlighted, Libra.
Gemini Season encourages you to broaden your outlook and engage with subjects, beliefs and people outside your usual source or demographic – foreign or unfamiliar places, perspectives and experiences. This is great for connecting to those who prompt you to grow and reach toward educational paths of wisdom – it’s an inspiring time to connect to foreigners and to grapple with blue-sky thinking, the big picture!
Meanwhile, today’s Sagittarius Moon lights up siblings, neighbours, your intellect, mindset and similar views, perhaps your local area and usual surroundings, local news items or happenings in your hangout, among kindred spirits.
You’re urged to contact folk in close proximity, or to think about ties to folk in your inner circle. You might be aware of what you have in common with people around you, in your family, neighbourhood or place of work, even your commute or area. A connection and intention to converse may be just what you need; grab coffee with a friend and catch up.
Note what you have to relate on and find this leads you to commit or make a pledge, or come together to build a legacy with greater permanence!
The financial axis in your horoscope is in the spotlight, Scorpio.
Gemini Season encourages you to engage in mutually beneficial plans or arrangements, working with others, investing your time, energy or resources for mutual gain. Lend focus to trust issues, with great consideration of what’s between you and others, potentially heightening intensity and intimacy, what’s shared, owed, been lent or invested…
Meanwhile, today’s Sagittarius Moon illuminates your income and position, your role and salary, significant spending, saving or assets accumulated solo.
A fiscal focus may be elevated, as the Full Moon spotlights how you manage your money, ways you build, contribute and sustain yourself!
Note the way you feel about your own value, material life and self-worth; a financial deal, job opportunity or issue around your income could come full circle now, or you may shed some light on the matter of possession.
Count your blessings in your purse or in your competency – remember all you’ve worked for over the long term, stand on your own two feet... Highlight rewards and your capacity to earn, with acknowledgement of relationships and collaborative endeavours.
The axis of relationships (and your part within them) is spotlighted, Sagittarius.
Gemini Season encourages you to focus on others, on togetherness, negotiations, and partnerships (platonic and romantic). Draw attention to relationships and one-to-ones.
Meanwhile, today’s Sagittarius Moon lights up your special qualities!
Soak up the attention that centres around you, with all that puts you ‘centre stage’ and in the limelight giving you a moment of recognition.
However, as the Full Moon touches down in your sign take a break from harmonious matrimony, or listening to the opinions or what another person has on their agenda, and instead consider your independence, and solo feats of interest.
Today try and bring it back to what you need. Your sense of self, a personal project, and your own happiness, creativity or talents, may be elevated with the spotlight on you and your work life, your health and potential to keep up with a positive routine or regime.
Step into the light and appreciate your body, health and personal accomplishments, grappling with what you’re coming to sense you’re keen and eager to do. Be present!
The “health and healing” axis in your horoscope is in the spotlight, Capricorn.
Gemini Season encourages you to tackle routine habits, healthy (daily) practices, and address your overall wellbeing in productive spirits.
Meanwhile, today’s Sagittarius Moon illuminates’ ways you take your foot off the gas, purge, surrender, and deal with mysteries, bad habits, escapist tendencies and your blind spot.
Note how you overcome hurts, people who don’t have your best interests at heart, or gain peace of mind. Illuminate profound insights, tend to your private dreams and innermost needs, even bringing you into touch with self-sabotaging habits, or tools that help you help others, and get out of your own way.
Reflect on progress made unconsciously – transformational shifts unfolding behind the scenes, that allow you to master and overcome challenging circumstances.
Bring light to the shadows and all that’s usually hidden, unacknowledged, unsaid or unseen.
Reveal how you heal when life deals you something hard to handle, how you gestate, exhale and rise above circumstances that feel impossible to bear! Ultimately, your own passions are what means most now.
The axis of your interests are in the spotlight, Aquarius.
Gemini Season encourages you to pay attention to solo passions, playful creativity, your own talents, hobbies and children – the things you cherish and personally adore, with happiness sparked, heartfelt pleasure and joy!
Meanwhile, today’s Sagittarius Moon lights up friendships, the group consensus, community and how you can come together as part of something bigger… Acknowledging your network, friends or peers… Illuminate the group you’re a part of, your circle, scene or collective interests – allow your crew or online presence to be and centre today, and gravitate towards your people with a sense of team spirit.
Set aside your desires to celebrate something special to many, or note how your audience has shifted and changed – who are ‘your people’?
There may be something important to champion or participate in as a common cause; remember how important it is to be involved as part of an industry or society. Ultimately, this is what could help you find yourself at home.
The axis of your inner and outer direction is in the spotlight, Pisces.
Gemini Season encourages you to nest and draw inwards towards home or the family fold, addressing your property or emotional realms with a look at nurture, roots, and feelings – where you live and settle. It may feel important to ground yourself among family, those at home, or to engage with self-care, with your nest and notions of comfort and stability bringing you back to centre – the Sun tours your fourth house of land, lineage, parenting and domesticity.
Meanwhile, today’s Sagittarius Moon illuminates how you make your way in your career or calling, your image at large, the way you come across outwardly, visible in public spaces, all you do to gain praise, recognition and validation from higher ups, a sense of notoriety and success.
Fan the flames of your accomplishments, taking a compliment from someone you admire and love, noticing how others respond to your achievements, successes and outward appearance. Allow your professional image and your ambitions time to shine, reaching a goal or milestone. where you’re headed… Don’t be surprised if your status is elevated, or if you’re extra visible, or if your reputation or title hits a high note.
While your reputation isn’t the sum of you it’s nice to know others are proud!
Close kin, communications, siblings and the way you relate to others is key at this time.