I’ve included a LOT of information on this transit here: https://starsignstyle.com/jupiter-in-gemini-horoscope/
As ever it would be GREAT (and wise) for you to click on the link to get all this juicy data, including your horoscope for the 13-month window of Jupiter flying through Gemini! Read for your Sun and Rising sign.
Listen to the audio above, too, of course.
Here I go into a general overview of this transit, so you can listen at your leisure…
Kimberly x
N.B: Jupiter is in its detriment sign when it’s in Gemini, fyi, as its opposite from its ‘home’ sign of Sagittarius. Read about Essential Dignities in astrology here: http://starsignstyle.com/essential-dignities-in-astrology-exaltation-fall-domicile-detriment/
Jupiter – so big! Saturn also large, but Jupiter the Most Massive.
P.S. here’s a video animation of this wild astrology!!